Relationships: Are you stuck on what to do in your relationship?

Ethan K
3 min readDec 11, 2018

Relationships, relationships, boyfriends, girlfriends, cuddling, going out, being loved, having them doing some stuff for you, having attention, etc. are all great reasons why to be in a relationship. We see many so called “perfect couples, or relationships”. They are in fact not always/ never perfect. They just show the positive side of it. And that's the case we see today, many abusive relationships (emotionally, physically and mentally) and its can be hard to get out. Now, there are different types of relationships, we have online relationships, in person, of course and open relationships and probably more. Its very important for you to understand what makes a “stable” relationship and know the red flags. The very most important aspect in ANY relationship is communication. If you/ your partner lacks this, then its just harder to deal with things and such. Honesty and trust is also crucial too. You want to make the relationship stable as much as you can. It will allow you to do more things and have the trust and the integrity within each other. Does your partner communicate well? Does your partner treat you with respect? Does your partner abuse you in any way? Does your partner get you stuff for your birthday or Christmas, special occasion I should say? Does your partner show the true love to you? Does your partner frequently talks to other people? ( like females talking males often and vice versa) Does your partner trust you? Do you trust your partner? Does your partner bail out on you when you had something planned? What are their excuses? Are they justified? Do you often be together with your partner?

At family gatherings, etc.? Do you respect your partner views and beliefs? Does your partner respect your views and beliefs? Does your partner judge you? If so, what do they judge you for? Do you find yourself in an argument often? Why, or what is it often about? Does your partner respect your family and siblings? Do you respect your partners family and siblings? It may seem that your partner is fit for you, but do they do any of the good stuff? Does your partner force you to do something? Force you to send a picture? Force you to take the blame? Force you to pay for something? Any of the questions as stated above are worth to think about and how much you value your relationship. Its never and will never be perfect for anyone. You must ultimately decide weather is one thing worth than the other. Is your partner doing this worth over this? Can you tolerate that? Is it worth getting them stuff when they don’t to you? Is them hurting me worth being in the relationship if thought you still love them? This list can go on, but my point here is this, you must think long term and how the relationship can go. One decision can take a fatal turn if not thought out properly. Yes, unexpected stuff happens, but you need a back up plan. If this happens, will I be able to do this?

I MUST stress that “sex” is NOT the whole point of an relationship. Sex can be a beneficial aspect to it, but its not the reason for relationships (in most cases though). Relationships are mainly meant to make memories with your partner, have fun, enjoy with those you love. Respect your partners anything related to sex. Many people tend to cross the line thus can terminate the relationship easily. You want what's for both of you, not just yourself. If you can not satisfy your partners need WITHIN REASONS, then maybe your partner is not worth for you. Life is short… enjoy while you can… It takes time to find the perfect one… So don’t be rushing into things. I do hope everyone here will have the chance to be in a relationship that is safe, stable and satisfies your needs and their needs.

Guys/ girls, if you are a gamer, please make time for your partner, don’t ignore their messages/ attention, it just rude. In short, review your relationship. Make sure its all on good terms. If nothing works, then end it. Its better for you to be sad for a while than being screwed over long term and it can just get worse.

None of the questions I asked above are good or bad, but it’s something to think about how you view in your relationship and make sure its all good.



Ethan K

A young adult who enjoys sharing advices and helping others with life/relationship issues.